Job Opportunities in Quantum Science and Technology

This is our electronic bill-board of jobs. Here, we offer positions in research and administration of ct.qmat and friends, so check back regularily.
We are currently looking for Postdoc/PhD candidates for several positions. For details look here.
Early career researchers are always welcome to contact a PI for PhD/PostDoc positions. If you are interested to work within the cluster, you can also contact us via email.
Uni Würzburg & TU Dresden

PhD position
in the field of "Magnetic and superconducting proximity effects in epitaxial MnBi2Te4"More information HERE
Apply for via

2 PhD positions
in the field of “Designer Quantum Materials”Apply for via

Postdoc position
in the field of “Scanning tunneling microscopy of 3rd generation 2D quantum materials”Apply for via

In the field of „ct.qmat/SFB topic quantum transport in topological materials“Apply for via

PhD positions
More information HERE
Contact: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dyakonov (
or Dr. Andreas Sperlich (