
  • Colloquia-Ghn-1920x1080web-Gh-Slider

    30 Jun02 Jul 2025

    Second Grete Hermann Network Workshop

    At the heart of the Grete Hermann Network's mission is the goal to promote excellent female-led research and support the recruitment and careers of female scientists. In this spirit, we invite you to join a diverse audience of condensed matter physicists (male and female) with broad research interests and of all career levels for a three-day workshop at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

  • 3713-Dom-Und-Severi-Barbara-Neumann-1920x1080

    2426 Sept 2025

    Cluster Retreat 2025 (Erfurt)

    Junior and senior cluster-affiliated scientists will meet in Erfurt for three days of scientific exchange and networking.

  • Leshouches-16zu9-Bearbeitet2

    1526 Sept 2025

    SUCCESS-2025: School on UV and X-ray spectroscopies of correlated electron systems

    Strong electron correlations and topology lie at the heart of quantum materials and their exotic states of matter. These are best understood by studying their electronic structure. This school, addressed to graduate early-career researchers, will introduce the recent experimental and theoretical developments in UV and X-ray spectroscopies, from their basic principles to their applications in the study of correlated materials.

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